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21 July, 2024

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Is your site dedicated to puzzles, math, mobile content, TV formats? Then please contact us.

We will visit your site and if it is really interesting for our visitors we will add a link back to you on our links page (make sure to include the URL of the page with your link to us, the name of your site, as well as a brief description of the site).

Non-educational related sites and Poker-Casino online sites, will not be listed in our links page. Linking to us does not guarantee you a link back but if we like your site there is a good chance!

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You may create your own text links, provided that such links are accurate and otherwise comply with these Linking Terms and Conditions.

You may not 'frame' our content or employ any other method that causes the content to appear to be part of your web site or any site or service other than STReight™ without our permission.

You may not use any link, nor link to us from any web site or web page containing material, that:
• infringes or otherwise violates any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property right;
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• is obscene, indecent, harassing; or
• violates any applicable law, rule or regulation.

Thank you!

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STReight™ - a great gambling system based on a simple math principle.

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