Lotto 8/8
Lotto STReight
Game summary
To play Lotto STReight™ or Lotto 8/8 the players must choose in an ordered fashion any eight Numbers, from 1 to 8, out of eight numbers. Eight numbers are drawn out of eight, one by one, and after each draw, the drawn number is put back into the drawing device. To win the Jackpot, the player must match all the eight Numbers. A seven Numbers match win the second highest prize. Matches of six, five, four, three and two Numbers win smaller prizes.
Lotto STReight features
- More possible combinations in Lotto 8/8 – 16,777,216 combinations comparing with Lotto 6/49 which has only 13,983,816 combinations. The 9 numbers game has no less than 387,420,489 combinations.
- Lotto 8/8 allows 8 or more numbers to be played allowing complicated games strategies. Together with the main game, there is a secondary option (HEADS), meaning the pair(s) of the first and the last numbers which can be different from the pair(s) in the played combination(s).
- There are numerous prizes. In fact, 1 of 10 players wins - 10,038% winners at regular STReight and 1,562% at STReight heads.
- The game can be easily implemented on the existing 6/49 machines without any hardware upgrades.
- The game can be easily played by phone/SMS, also. In this case, the draw may take place daily.
Lotto STReight by SMS
The Basics
Lotto STReight™ by SMS can be played from a mobile phone at any time and is similar to the slots game. It uses a sequence of between 3 and 8 symbols, numbers, or letters in accordance with the type of SMS lotto game.
The player sends to a short number a text SMS that contains a sequence of numbers or letters. After the message is received, the game server executes the draw, compares it with the sequence of numbers that has been sent, and sends the result back to the player in an SMS text.
Examples (Lotto STReight 8/8)
It was withdrawn the combination 1-2-1-3-8-6-4-4.